Congress responsible for Jammu plight: Prof Virender

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 9: BJP State spokesperson, Prof Virender Gupta welcomed the decision of the State Government to start process to act on agreement reached between Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangrash Samiti and the then Government under Governor rule in 2008 after specific directions from Governor, N.N. Vohra after constant perusal by BJP and Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangarsh Samiti (SAYSS).
In a statement issued here, today, he said that issue concerning Shri Amarnath row was outcome of wrong decisions taken by then Chief Minister, Gulam Nabi Azad against the aspirations of the Hindus of the country.
He expressed his anguish on the fact that the alliance Government of National Conference (NC) and Congress, that was in power during 2008-2014, headed by Omar Abdullah had taken not a single step to implement the agreement.
Prof Virender Gupta blamed the Congress which was partner in the successive Governments from 2002-2014 was keeping blind eyes to the influx and illegal settlement Rohingiyas and Bangladeshi of a particular religious community in and out of Jammu city, Samba and Kathua areas with evil designs to change the demography.  Their migration to these areas have political ramification of their becoming instrument in the hands of anti-national forces operating in the State and of creating chaotic situation in these areas.
He also blamed Congress party and NC for doing injustice to the people of Jammu region in all fields of developments including the creation of new districts in the State. Congress was partner to the successive State Governments and was at the helm of affairs at the Centre when worst kind of discrimination was inflicted on the people of Jammu and Ladakh regions.
It was in 2007 when Azad was Chief Minister of the State that new districts were created hitting the interests of Jammu region. It never raised the voice for creating the new districts in Jammu region for which the people of various areas of Jammu region have raised their voice and are agitating in the present time. He questioned the Congress that would it look at its past history when it installed Sheikh Abdullah as Chief Minister in 1975, remained part of the State Government in 1990 when terrorism engulfed the State and then in 2008 and 2010 when State was pushed into turmoil. He said that the party which was responsible for the present state of affairs in J&K State is now trying to become the custodian of Jammu voice and is trying to exploit the masses for its own vested political interests.