Committee formed to ascertain quality of rice supplied in north Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Mar 17: After hue and cry over the issue of ‘sub-standard’ rice in north Kashmir’s Baramulla, the District Administration today ordered the formation of a committee to carry out an inspection to check whether the grains stored at FCI’s Sangrama godown are fit for consumption or not.
An order issued here by the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Baramulla said that the TSO Baramulla-C Circle and TSO Sopore-A recently intimidated Assistant Director FCS&CA Baramulla that the food grains (Rice) available at FCI PEG Sangrama, Baramulla which is being dispatched to different sale outlets of this district is not fit for the consumption of the people.
“…it has been observed that the quality of food grains (Rice) lying on the floor of the FCI PEG go-down is usually being dispatched to the sale outlets of the district Baramulla and there is every apprehension that the food grains may contain life-consuming infections,” the order said.
The order said that the FCS&CA has also endorsed the statement made by the TSOs regarding the quality of grains. “…Assistant Director FCS&CA also endorsed the statement made by the TSOs and also intimidated that complaints are continuously pouring in from the rationees complaining against the substandard rice available at the sale outlets and in some instances the rationees have returned back the ration, citing it substandard.
The order stated that a the committee is formed to carry out the needed inspection of the grains at the godown. “Now, therefore, a committee with the following composition has been constituted to carry out an in-depth examination of the matter particularly accentuating on the physical and chemical inspection of the food grains/Rice lying at FCI PEG Sangrama Baramulla,” the order said.
The committee includes Programme Officer, ICDS Baramulla (Chairman), and the members are Assistant Director FCS&CA, Baramulla, Assistant Controller Legal Metrology, Baramulla, Assistant Commissioner, Food Safety, Baramulla and Block Medical Officer, Baramulla.
Furthermore, the order said that the Assistant Director, Stores, Kashmir is directed not to lift any quantity of food grains/Rice from FCI PEG Sangrama Baramulla till the committee submits the report to this office. The committee shall furnish its findings within two days positively.
Notably, even as the order was issued, the FCI in around 6 trucks under registration number JK05H4331, JK05H6173, JK0G5644 and JK054656 transported 540 quintals more rice to its Kralhar godown for further distribution.