Cipher Decipher

Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us.

1.To all from Pavit singh: “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day”.
2.From Harshita Mahajan to all: “ Sometimes you become wrong because you tired to do everything perfect and perfection comes with a lot of troubles”.
3. To all from Meenu Gupta: “Drugs are not an escape, they’re a trap”.
4. From Raja Harteshvan Singh Pargal to all: “The test of life is the test for which the preparation starts today”.
5. To all from Ruchika Gupta: “ Life is the unexpected journey so never expect anything from anyone” .
6. From Ramesh Kumar Raina to all: “ The dead receives more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude”.
7.To all from Usha Raina: “ Happiness and sorrow both are necessary for a beautiful life”.
8. From Rishab Raina to all: “Anger won’t punish you; it’s your own anger that will inflict the punishment”.
9. To all from Megha Khajuria: “ Every situation has two options , it’s on us weather we opt to sit and criticise or to be strong enough to face and dealt with it”.
10. From Nitin Gupta to all: “ Life is book of mystery, unfold each chapter with smile on your face”.