Chaman accuses NC of fomenting communalism in Valley

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 21: The former Union Minister, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta has charged the leadership of National Conference (NC) and their likes of trying to fan communalism in the troubled Valley of Kashmir but for being out of power.
Interacting with activists of refugees from adjoining Pakistan and migrants of Kashmir valley, Prof. Gupta observed that the manner in which the Article 370 and 35-A are being made a matter of controversy is intriguing although the issue is before the highest court but ridiculously instead of presenting their case before the appropriate forum, the dubious characters are out to create fuss.
Accusing such elements of being genetically as incarnation of Muslim Conference of early thirties, Prof. Gupta said their actions quite often expose the inner that they are not what they masquerade of being secular.
He recalled that this was on record that when the discriminatory status was being bestowed to Jammu and Kashmir, Moulana Mohani and some others had objected to laying foundation of separatism. Former Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru had assured them that all this would wither away with the passage of time.
Prof. Gupta asked the Congress leaders to come out clearly about their stand on the issue and explain that why they have failed to keep up the assurances of their forefathers, and what action would be taken against those who are sailing with controversial characters.
Referring to harping about Autonomy, Prof. Gupta questioned Dr. Farooq and his men that why all that was not achieved when they were in  authority, both in the State as also at the Centre.
As far as threats of revolt are concerned, he said that these are not new. No one can be bigger in Kashmir than Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. But after revolting for 22 years, the Sheikh had to contend with the position of Chief Minister from a Prime Minister and he served the people as a nationalist without much ranting for autonomy.
The discrimination on the basis of caste, religion and region  base had encouraged divisive and fissiparous tendencies resulting in many problems to the extent that the State has come to be a consumer one but for separatism and restrictions on outside investment even in the industrial sector.
The refugee activists explained that how they have been denied the basic citizenship rights even after expiry of 70 years which is clear violation of human rights. The migrant activists narrated that how the minorities had been forced to leave the Valley and these seculars role had never been above aboard.