Centre must stop adopting ad hoc approach to resolve K-issue: Vakil

Excelsior Correspondent
SOPORE, May 9: Former Minister Abdul Gani Vakil today said that Centre should come forward and break the ice to seriously involve Hurriyat Conference leaders into a meaningful dialogue to resolve issues confronting people of the State.
Addressing public meeting at Warpora in Sopore today  Vakil said that time has come for Central Government to break the ice and initiate dialogue with the Hurriyat leaders and take it to the logical conclusion. The Hurriyat leaders, he said, should also respond to the dialogue offer in a positive manner so that this stalemate is brought to an end.
“Sensing gravity of the situation, both Central leadership as well as Hurriyat Conference must understand that this endless wait for a meaningful dialogue is seriously hitting the development and making people suffer for no fault of theirs. Tourism is in shambles, youth are suffering for want of employment, development is stagnated, people are alienated and sense of insecurity is increasing among the people,” Vakil added.
Mr Vakil said that Centre must come out with a clear policy viz-a-viz dialogue process and stop this endless wait, adopting an adhoc approach to resolve Kashmir issue. Since long, both Hurriyat leaders and Central leadership are maintaining silence but the situation warrants that this ice must be broken now. Legislators in both Houses of Parliament as well as in State Assembly must also resolve and pursue Centre to clear stand on its Kashmir policy. People have witnessed huge bloodshed and this dilly delaying policies were further complicating the issue instead of resolving it, adding that any further delay will result in alienation of people which is not good for the country as well as the J&K state.
Ghulam Nabi Shah, GM Dar, Sheikh Altaf, Ghulam Ahmad Shagoo, Hussamu-din-Geelani and  Haji Mohammad Afzal Khan also addressed the gathering.