Celebrating Homoeopathy Day

Dr Satish Kumar Attri
World Homoeopathy day is celebrated globally on 10th day of April as the founder of homoeopathy Dr. C F S Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was born on this day. A Conscientious German Allopathic M.D. Over two hundred years ago, established this method of treatment after un-satisfaction from Allopathy. Born to a poor family of a porcelain Painter, he worked diligently and was a master of about a dozen of languages. He was the first to talk about genetic origin of diseases and discussed about presence of micro-organisms behind the diseases, years before even when Father of bacteriology Robert Koch was not born. Since then the system has been verified experimentally and clinically tested to be most effective. It has been serving suffering humanity for over two centuries and has withstood the upheavals of time and has emerged as a time-tested therapy. The scientific principles propounded by Dr.Hahnemann are natural and well proven and continue to be followed with success.
Homoeopathy in  J&K:- Homoeopathy in J&K got an official recognition & patronage of state Govt with the passing of the J&K Homoeopathic practitioners Act-2003 and consequently The J&K Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine was structured in 2004 to regulate the practice of Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathy is being practiced by many people in J&K since olden times. As per some people, Homoeopaths Late Dr. M M Singh Rajan was the first to start his practice in Jammu in 1945. At present there are only 31 medical officers in the whole state and more than150 unemployed qualified Homoeopaths                                                                                                                                                         Need  of  Hour:-  Special Employment policy to appoint homoeopaths in chc’s and phc’s. Separate wings in every Hospital. Recruitment of part-B registered as pharmacists along with medical officers.In J&K homoeopathy is under Deptt of ISM&H since it recognition and is still in infancy stage even after 10 years and lot of efforts are needed from Govt. side to promote it via free camps. Establishment of Homoeopathic Medical College & hospitals, library and Research centers for doctors, Regular CME’s at Govt. level for the practitioners. Ensuring the representation of Homoeopaths in the Govt. health societies and AYUSH councils is needed for development of homeopathy.Till date homoeopaths didn’t get what they deserve as Homoeopathy is an equal component of AYUSH. Homoeopaths of J&K have lot  of hopes from the present Health Minister as he has a big hand behind homoeopathy in J&K.
Approach in Homoeopathic treatment:- Homoeopaths around the world are finding great success in genetic disorders with homoeopathy.Treatment in homeopathy is on individualized genetic basis and holistic. Homeopathic practitioners select remedies according to a total picture of the patient, including not only physical symptoms but lifestyle, emotional and mental states, and other genetic factors. Homoeopathy cures the whole person mentally  and physically.   Homoeopathic treatment of pregnant mother and children help  prevent familial diseases and tendency of an individual towards certain diseases can also be prevented by this treatment. Even surgeries can be avoided with homoeopathic treatment in some cases                                                                Homoeopathy is  also very effective in treatment of genetic disorders and advanced stages of all diseases and yield miracle cure in hopeless & incurable labelled diseases. Right homoeopathic treatment stimulates the genetic code to guide the immune system for removal of disease complex in the body. Remember it’s the scientific art & observation of Homoeopathic doctor which is utmost needed to cure the patient and not only the homoeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are prepared mostly from natural sources. Thus homoeopathy is a natural method of treatment & its based on such principles which are universal.
One doctor for all problems:- Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole, not the specific disease. That’s why a homeopathic specialist can treat and cure any sort of diseases, whether it has concern with skin, diabetes, kidney, and heart or with cancer, psychiatric diseases or neurological diseases. So all with one doctor-one medicine and on one place.So this is the beginning of the real healing science, which will make all the incurable diseases, well within the curative aspect of man.
(The author is Consultant Classical Homoeopath)