Callousness of doctors

Entry into medical profession as doctor is perhaps the toughest thing to do in life. Only intelligent people can find admission and acceptance. After training when a doctor is put in charge of his professional duty, we expect him to be the combination of two main components viz. intelligence and skill. Any doctor, who enjoys the balancing of these two elements, is a successful doctor.
We often come across complaints against doctors for their negligence in handling both outdoor and indoor patients. Many of these complaints are looked into and if found genuine, things are corrected. Now what happened in the OPD in District Hospital in Kathua? A Gujjar pregnant woman in labour comes to the hospital for medical assistance. She is in labour pain. The receptionist wants to go through the regular and circuitous process of registering her. She is told to wait for her turn for registration while she cries that she is in labour pain and wants assistance. Oblivious of the condition of the woman, the medical authorities concentrate on the formalities of registration. The woman cannot stop to wait for the formal process and delivers on the floor of the OPD. Some women sitting in the reception room, out of sympathy and courtesy and feminine modesty throw their clothes around the woman in labour till she delivers the baby. Now in this case, we find that the doctors who were supposed to take care of the case abandoned the common sense and intelligence and stuck to the formalities that could have been completed after she was admitted, examined and provided with support meant for a woman in labour pain. Nothing of the sort was done and she was left to herself to deliver on the floor like an animal. This is treating human being as animal. We do not know what punishment the concerned deserve for such a foolish recklessness. It is not only inhuman, it is barbaric.
The Deputy Commissioner Kathua is reported to have ordered an inquiry into the case. That is what had to be done. It is his responsibility to ensure that hospital administration observes the norms set forth for handling emergency cases.  We would emphasize on the DC Kathua to pursue the matter seriously and report to the higher authorities his findings in the case and suggest administrative action against the defaulting doctors of the District Hospital Kathua.

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