Call for Jammu bandh today

People protesting at Samba on Monday against attack on yatris.
People protesting at Samba on Monday against attack on yatris.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 10: In protest against the attack on Amarnath pilgrims and killing of seven yatris near Batingoo, Khanabal in South Kashmir’s district of Anantnag tonight, major political parties, trade organizations, transporters as well as social organizations have given a Jammu bandh call tomorrow.
Those who gave the separate Jammu bandh call included National Conference, (NC), Congress, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Transporters, and National Panthers Party (NPP). These organizations have appealed to the people from all sections of society to observe a total peaceful bandh tomorrow in protest against the dastardly act of terrorists.
In a statement issued by NC provincial president and MLA Nagrota, Davender Singh Rana said that his Party strongly condemned the attack and killing of the pilgrims. He gave a call for Jammu bandh tomorrow in protest against the attack and killing of yatris.
Congress spokesperson, Ravinder Sharma while condemning the attack termed it as deliberate attempt to hurt the religious sentiments and foment trouble. He also described it a major security lapse despite all sorts of inputs. He appealed the people to observe a peaceful bandh in protest tomorrow.
Chamber of Commerce and Industries, (CCI) while condemning the dastardly act has also given a bandh call for tomorrow. President of CCI Rakesh Gupta while talking to Excelsior said that his organization has given a bandh call for tomorrow in protest against the attack on yatri bus in which seven pilgrims attained martyrdom. He at the same time appealed all Hindus across the country to come in large numbers for yatra to give a message to entire world that Kashmir is an integral part of India and people of India will not be cowed down by such cowardice acts.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has also given a bandh call tomorrow. The State president of the organization Leela Karan Sharma said that he has talked to transporters and CCI also in this regard. He however said that yatri buses will be kept away from purview of the bandh. The VHP call has been supported by Hindu Raksha Samiti president Ram Paul also.
Panthers Party which strongly condemned the attack and killing of yatris in an emergency meeting here today under the chairmanship of former Minster and senior party leader Harsh Dev Singh has given a Jammu bandh call tomorrow in protest against the attack on yatris and brutal killing.
Singh appealed all sects of society including traders, youth, students, social and political organizations to observe complete shut down to express solidarity with the deceased and their families.
The NPP supremo Prof Bhim Singh in a stamen demanded dismissal of State Government and imposition of Governor’s rule in the State. He said total bandh will be observed in Jammu province tomorrow.
Chairman All J&K Bus Operators Union, T S Wazir has also given a bandh call for tomorrow in protest against the cowardice act of terrorists.
The AMCCC president Desh Rattan while condemning the attack on yatris has extended full support to JKNPP’s tomorrow’s bandh call.
The Bar Association Jammu has decided to suspend the work in High Court and subordinate courts tomorrow. President of the Association B S Slathia said that his organization will suspend the work tomorrow in protest of the killings. He said that SHRC which recommended Rs 10 lakh as compensation for the person who was made human shield by army should take suo -moto notice of the attack on yatris and recommend the compensation for those who were killed and injured.
Despite the terrorist attack on pilgrims, the yatra will leave for holy cave from here tomorrow as usual. This was stated by an official spokesman here late tonight.
Meanwhile soon after hearing the news about the attack on yatris people protested in Samba town and blocked the National Highway for over one hour. Hundreds of people came out from their houses and took to streets in the town. They blocked the NH at Samba Chowk for over one hour and demanded strict action against terrorists. The protestors shouted slogans against the separatists, Pakistan as well as Government for security lapses.
Reports coming from Anantnag said that BJP national president Amit Shah and Party general secretary (org) Ram Lal also talked to the injured pilgrims at District Hospital Anantnag on phone late tonight. BJP senior leader and MLC Sofi Mohamed Yousf who rushed to DH Anantnag soon after the attack talked to Party national president and general secretary and later managed their contact with the injured pilgrims on mobile. Sofi said Amit Shah and Ram Lal strongly condemned this dastardly act and termed it an attack on humanity. They said that the people involved in the killings will not be spared at any cost, he added.
PCC president G A Mir and entire State Congress leadership while expressing shock over the killings  of eight Shri Amarnath Yatris in militants’ attack in Anantnag this evening,  strongly condemned the cowardly incident.
The Congress leadership described  the incident as desperate act of the militants who tried to hurt the religious sentiments of  the people and also made attempt to flare  up communal tension in the region.  They expressed sympathy with the families of the deceased pilgrims and appealed the civil society to condemn this incident in strongest words.
The PCC described this incident as major security lapse on the part of Govt and said if all the fool proof security arrangements had been made   all along the highway with security check and nakas all over, why this bus was allowed to move during late evening along the highway putting lives of the passengers to risk.
Prominent among those who joined condemnation included senior PCC leaders, Sham Lal Sharma, Raman Bhalla, Mula Ram, Taj Mohiuddin, GM Saroori,  Ravinder Sharma, Balbir Singh (MLC), Jugal Kishore,  Mohd Sharief Niaz,  RS Chib,  Majid Wani, Shabir Khan,  Dr Manohal Lal, Manmohan Singh, Shiv Kumar Sharma, Indu Pawar, Advocate Maheshwar Singh, MLC Balbir Singh and Paranav and Ashok Sharma.
President,  State Gurdwara Parbandhak Board and Chairman  All J&K Bus Operators Union, T S Wazir also strongly condemned the  incident of  attack on the bus of pilgrims at Anantnag, resulting into the death of eight Yatris. Wazir appealed the people to maintain communal harmony at any cost and also declared to observe strike by all the bus operators tomorrow as mark of protest.
The BJP senior leader and MLC Ashok Khajuria and Party general secretary, Dr Narinder Singh have strongly condemned the attack on yatris and demanded that it is high time when Government should act against terrorists and chase them up to finish.
The two leaders said that no leniency should be shown to the terrorists and separatists who are the worst enemies of humanity.
Khajuria said that the police officers and the Traffic Police officers responsible for allowing the bus to travel during late hours be booked under law as they are responsible for the killing of innocent yatris.
BJP chief spokesperson, Sunil Sethi while condemning the attack asked the people of Valley to do introspection and decide to stand up against such blatantly demonic act. He said the resolve of nation to fight terror and militancy will not diminish but will be more strengthened with such inhuman acts by merchants of terror.
Senior NC leader and former Minister, Ajay Sadhotra has also strongly condemned the terrorist attack and said that the Government has failed to provide  security to Amarnath pilgrims and also restore normalcy in the Valley where the terrorist activities increased during last three years.
Former Minster Mula Ram and senior Congress leader Hari Singh Chib have also strongly condemned the dastardly and cowardice act. They accused the Government of its total failure in containing militancy.
President Migrant Cell PCC, Hira Lal Pandita and its senior leader Ghulam Qadir while strongly condemning the killing of yatris said that PDP-BJP Government has miserably failed to protect the people in the State and the terrorist activities increased due to their wrong policies.
Chairman of Sarafa Association and Swarnkar Sangh Joint Action Committee Jammu Raman Suri condemned the militants attack on the Amarnath pilgrims and urged the Government to ensure fool proof security of the pilgrims visiting Shri Amarnath holy cave.
All India Anti Terrorist Front, J&K Branch  president Bharat Bhandari, while condemning the attack said that Government instead of making noise should act and eliminate terrorists from the soil of Kashmir.
Chairman Anti Terrorist Front Zorawar Singh Jamwal has also strongly condemned the attack and also questioned the entire political system of the State for their conscience over the barbaric killing of Hindu devotees in Valley. He also casted doubts on the tall claims of PDP-BJP coalition regarding fool proof security.
KP Sabha Jammu has also strongly condemned the attack. The Sabha president K K Khosa termed it a major security lapse.
ASKPC president Advocate Ravinder Raina, and former Apex Committee member ex Sarpanch Nana Ji Raina have also strongly condemned the attack.