Bukhari asks people not to vote for dynastic parties

Apni Party president, Altaf Bukhari addressing public rally in Anantnag on Thursday.
Apni Party president, Altaf Bukhari addressing public rally in Anantnag on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 23: Apni Party President, Altaf Bukhari, today urged people not to vote for the dynastic parties in Jammu and Kashmir.
Addressing a road show in Anantnag, Bukhari urged people that they should not vote for dynastic parties for the safety and well-being of children of the J&K.
“You must never forget that these parties and their leaders are responsible for the deaths, bloodshed, and destruction that occurred in Jammu and Kashmir over the years and decades. They misled people, provoked them to resort to violence, and, in the meantime, they created empires for themselves and established their family rule here. Thus, it is important for the safety and well-being of the people that these parties and their leaders are kept away from attaining power in the future,” he added.
Taking a dig at the PDP leader for her emotional sloganeering, Bukhari said: “These days, the leader of the PDP frequently chants the slogan, “the Kashmir that we have watered with our blood, that Kashmir is ours”.
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“Someone must ask her, which blood is she referring to? Is it the blood of the innocent children who were gunned down in 2016 while she was in power in Jammu and Kashmir, or is it the blood spilled in the massacres at places like Bijbehara, Hawal, and Gawkadal in the 1990s when her late father was Home Minister at the Centre?” he asked.
Bukhari blamed NC for its political gimmicks. “NC’s leadership was hand in glove with the leaders in Delhi long before 1947. That is why they were handed the Government in Jammu and Kashmir post-47, even without a public mandate. However, in later years, NC leadership indulged in political gimmickry to pressure Delhi. They chanted slogans like “Raishumari” and “Autonomy” here time and again, just to maintain their hold on power and strengthen their family rule here. They made people scapegoats by raising such emotionally charged slogans here,” he added.
Reiterating his promise to ensure ban on Jamat-E-Islami is lifted, the AP president said: “I strongly believe that in a democratic country, religious organizations must be free to perform their religious obligations. Therefore, I promise you that when the Apni Party receives a public mandate to serve, it will ensure that the ban on Jamaat-i-Islami Jammu and Kashmir is lifted.”
“Their schools will be free to operate in the field of education, and their scholars will be free to provide religious and spiritual guidance to the people of Jammu and Kashmir,” he added.
“We will ensure that the FIRs registered against thousands of our youth are withdrawn, and the prisoners are set free to live normal lives. We will also make sure that draconian laws like PSA and AFSPA are removed so that people can truly enjoy peace and justice in this land. Apni Party will do everything to ensure a dignified life for our youth,” he added.