Boycott call

The boycott call given by separatists to desist people of the valley from participation in Municipal and Panchayat elections undermines the democratic institution of the country. The sad state of affairs is that the mainstreams political parties NC and PDP have joined the separatists in the move. This gesture of the mainstream political parties does not anger well for the polity of this nation. I am reminded of the famous speech by the former Prime Minister of India Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee wherein he said that parties will come and go but the Nation must stay. For the national interest, the politics must continue to be progressive than disruptive.
The State has been going through turmoil for the last 30 years and it becomes incumbent upon mainstream politicians to rise above petty politics and provide relief to the suffering people at this time, which does not seem to happen. The mainstream political parties like the NC and PDP seem to be engaged in a war to score brownie points, putting the larger national agenda on the back-burner. The role of other political parties assumes significance now. Article 35-A will be seen as an alibi for non-participation in the said elections by the mature people of the State.
S N Raina