BJP takes steps to rejuvenate party

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 18: To rejuvenate the Party and refurbish its image in the State after the disqualification of seven legislators for cross voting in last year’s Legislative Council Elections, the BJP has taken many steps in this regard for last couple of months.
The rejuvenation process incidentally coincided with the taking over of Ashok Kaul as organizational general secretary, two months back.
According to Party sources the BJP will leave no stone unturned in strengthening the Party in J&K and restore its past image, which the Party had during the time of Pt Prem Nath Dogra a veteran leader of the State and president of Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS).
To reach out to senior citizens of the State who were associated with Party ideology and activities since the time of Praja Parishad movement the Party held a meeting with them here on May 16. Out of 150 senior citizens who were invited in the meeting 128 had attended it, the sources added.
The meeting discussed their contribution and sought their valuable suggestions for rejuvenating the Party in the future, sources said.
In addition to it the Party has launched the series of training programmes and workshops on Mandal and tehsil level for the first time in the State to educate its activists and take its message, policies and programmes to people living in the remotest corner of the State, sources said, adding 50 such shivers covering all the mandals and blocks of the State will be held.
To reach out to Muslims as well as Gujjars and bring more and more people of these communities into its fold and to break the myth created by Congress that BJP is a communal organization, it organized a one day convention of Muslims at Sunjwan Bhatindi on May 13 in which over 500 prominent Muslims drawn from different parts of Jammu participated and 50 activists also joined the party on the occasion.
The Party has decided to pay special attention to Sikh community and in this regard Dr Party chief spokesperson of the State and National Executive Member Dr Jitendra Singh has been assigned the task to interact with the prominent members of the community.
The sources said to forcefully highlight the problems of the people belonging to all sections of the society, the Party has also activated the functioning of different cells and morchas.
To express its total solidarity with the SPOs and VDC members who had played a remarkable role during last 23 years of turmoil in fighting terrorism in far-flung and remotest areas of the State, the BJP held district level demonstration in support of their demands to shake the Government on the issue on May 14.
To reorganize the Kashmir unit of the Party new Prabharis and district presidents were appointed in different parts of Valley.