BJP dented Dogra pride: Harsh Dev

NPP chairman Harsh Dev Singh addressing public rally at Ramnagar on Monday.
NPP chairman Harsh Dev Singh addressing public rally at Ramnagar on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, Nov 12: Former Minister and NPP chairman Harsh Dev Singh said that Mehbooba Mufti succeeded in implementing a significant part of her agenda during the aborted coalition rule, but the BJP hopelessly failed to deliver on even a single promise made by it with its electorates.
Addressing a public rally at Ramnagar today, Harsh Dev said that all the slogans of “corruption free system”, ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’, good governance with development” having proved a sham, the people were feeling cheated in the wake of huge inflation, rise in prices of petrol and diesel besides other essential commodities and growing unemployment in the country coupled with massive retrenchments following demonetization. He regretted that slogan of the abrogation of Art 370 which earlier remained the major poll plank of BJP for several decades, was sacrificed immediately after the elections at the altar of power politics. And when Article 35-A was challenged, the saffron Govt of J&K hired five advocates in the court to defend the same, rued Harsh.
He maintained that the educated youth of Jammu bore the severest brunt of unethical alliance when their routine share in employment also went the Kashmir way. With imbecile BJP leadership failing to assert in the wake of highly biased administrative set up and extremely prejudiced recruitment agencies, the educated youth of Jammu suffered the most hostile discrimination with an abysmally all time low share in employment, Singh maintained.
Singh regretted that BJP inflicted the biggest dent upon Dogra pride when Dogras were tagged as ‘rapist supporters’ in its rule and its Ministers were shamelessly toeing the Mehbooba line deliriously oblivious of the massive outrage sparked in Jammu. Not only had the BJP played with the emotions of the people but it had miserably failed on the development front as well, he added.
Pointing towards the utter neglect of Mubarak Mandi Project, Singh regretted that Dogra culture and heritage too suffered criminal apathy at the hands of BJP leadership. He reminisced the introduction of 49 Kashmiri language posts in Jammu colleges to the neglect of Dogri. And the Dogras and civil society of Jammu had to take to streets to get Dogri posts sanctioned for Jammu Colleges, recalled Harsh.