Excelsior Correspondent
BHADERWAH, June 12: To give a festive look to the entire Bhaderwah town in view of the forthcoming annual 2 days Bhaderwah Tourism-cum- Cultural Festival being organized by the Bhaderwah Development Authority (BDA), a meeting of the senior citizens, Beopar Mandal Bhaderwah, media persons and officers was convened at Dak Bunglow Bhaderwah today under the chairmanship of Chief Executive Officer, Bhaderwah Development Authority Angrez Singh Rana.
During the meeting CEO BDA enjoined upon the general public of Bhaderwah to coordinate with the Bhaderwah Development Authority in making the festival successful.
The Beopar Mandal Committee Bhaderwah was requested to keep their shops neat and clean during the course of festival and also illuminate their shops on 18th and 19th of June.
Executive Officer Municipal Committee Bhaderwah was asked to ensure the cleaning of lanes and by-lanes with in jurisdiction of Bhaderwah town.
President Paying Guest House Bhaderwah was requested to intimate all the Guest House owners to keep their Guest Houses neat and clean during festival and have a close liaison with information centre established at BDO office Bhaderwah besides hotel association president was also asked to ensure cleanliness of hotels during the festival.
It is pertinent to mention here that Bhaderwah Tourism cum cultural festival is going to start w.e.f 18th June to 19th June 2014.