Beautify Purmandal

This refers to the news item “Democracy has won in J&K” published in the DE Nov 29  wherein the Prime Minister Narendra Modi while referring  to Devika as the elder sister of holy river Ganga has stated that :
” I am coming from Kashi. We are working for the welfare of Ma Ganga. If we work for younger sister, it would be injustice if we do nothing for the elder sister. We have to work for the welfare of Devika”.
I want to bring it to the notice of the authorities that no  doubt the condition of River Devika is very miserable at Udhampur but it is also a fact that the condition of the same is more pitiable at the holy shrines of Purmandal and Utterbehni.
It is as such requested that while taking up the “Welfare of Devika” project on the lines of River Ganga, all the religious tourist spots where Devika flows may kindly be kept in view instead of laying focus on Devika Nagri  Udhampur only.
Yours etc…
Jawahar Lal Baru