Bar Association condemns civilian killings, abstains from court work

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 11: Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association (Srinagar) today strongly condemned the killing of four civilians and injuries to more than sixty other civilians at Khudwani, Kaimoh in Kulgam district.
Bar Association in a statement said that a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Bar was held here today in which members while expressing their solidarity with the families of those killed and wounded today stated that the Army and other paramilitary forces have let loose a “reign of terror” in Kashmir and they are killing the innocent people just to terrorize them and thereby  deny them their basic rights including the right to self determination which has been promised and pledged to them by the members of the International Community and endorsed by the Indian leaders on the floor of the Parliament as well as United Nations.
It was also stated that on the one hand the communal and fascist forces are torturing, threatening and inflicting pain and agony on the innocent people of Kashmir and on the other hand the forces are killing, and blinding the people of Kashmir in a systematic and planned manner when the world powers are watching these developments as mute spectators.
It was also decided that in order to show their anguish and get their protest registered against these acts of brutalities, the members shall abstain from court work tomorrow.
The Bar members also denounced the acts of holding the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kathua at ransom by the local lawyers and protesters by not allowing the Police to file the Charge sheet against those persons who have committed the gruesome offences.
They also expressed their anguish in manner in which judicial process is being influenced by trying to find fault with the investigation on pretext and other so that the perpetrators and helped to go scot free.
They demanded that in order to ensure a free and fair trial, the case should be transferred to a specially constituted Bench in the High Court and it should itself conduct the trial of the case to restore the faith of the people in rule of law.