Banning social media

The decision of the Government to ban many social networking sites like WhatsApp etc  in Kashmir valley is a welcome step.
The step should have been taken much earlier keeping in view the misuse of these sites. These have now become a latest warfare weapon in anti-social and anti-national elements.
The misuse of these sites has made the lives of common people  miserable and it has created war like situation in the Valley. In this internet age, it is very difficult for Government to ban such sites, as common people and professionals have to transact their business via this mode. Student community too will become a casuality. But a situation as is evolving in Kashmir now is scary one. The misuse of these sites may compound the problem further.
Otherwise also, social media is becoming dirtier with every passing day. It has become  a platform for every Tom, Dick and Harry to throw mud at each other.
Social media is a new phenomenon worldwide and is here to stay. It has enabled people to be connected in real time and is bringing out new facets of people interest, engagement and behaviour. As is the nature of people, instead of making it as a tool to unite people together, it is used to create disharmony, and divide among people.
Something like that is happening in Kashmir now. These sites are used to spew anti-India venom, and sowing the seeds of disintegration. This should not be allowed to happen at any cost.
Yours etc….
Sanjay Kumar