While visiting any busy stationery market, one often comes across signs reading: ‘Models available here’. Upon enquiry, you realize that what these shops are selling are projects/assignments that various schools and colleges have assigned to their students as ‘Home work’. These are meant to unleash the students’ creative potential, instill in them a sense of self confidence, and provide them with a hands-on experience beyond mere theoretical knowledge in the given field. The aim, beyond an iota of doubt is lofty viz. to give pupils a learner-friendly ambience in contrast with an otherwise tedious and dull learning situation whereby mere bookish knowledge is imparted to them. Similarly, in case of educational institutes, the objective is to give the requisite expertise to the prospective teachers via these models so as to enable them to make teaching process fun for their students besides making the same easy-to-learn. But all these lofty ideals are dashed to pieces owing to the blatant selling of these models/assignments in open markets.
However, to put the blame solely and entirely on these shopkeepers is also not justifiable because quite often, it has been seen that the type of models handed over as home assignment to the students are beyond their capacity. The sheer difficulty of the task makes them rely upon their parents who help them with the task and that is quite understandable and agreeable. But frequently things go much worse when students and to-be-teachers (in case of students of B.Ed. /ETT colleges) simply buy models from these shops and submit the same at their respective institutions.
This defeats the very purpose of the whole exercise i.e. to encourage students to ‘learn with fun’ and makes a mockery of the entire activity. Taking into consideration this sordid scenario, I would like to request to both the school faculty and/or Principals to see to it that the difficulty level of the model assignments is well within the reach of students, or at the most requires only slight help from parents, siblings etc. and to the Minister for School Education to take strict measures for putting an end to the practice of selling of these models by shopkeepers forthwith. Such a step would go a long way in realizing the goals which educators had in mind when they first conceived of the whole exercise.
Yours etc.
Vijay Singh
Higher Secondary School,
Chirala (Thathri