Ballot Vs Bullet

This has reference to the news item ‘Ballot trumps the bullet’ DE Dec 1.
There is no better way to describe the huge turn out of voters during the first phase of State Assembly elections than the caption Ballot trumps the bullet. The author has very lucidly summed  up the election scanario in the Valley in the write-up.
It is this turn out that has frustrated the separatists and militants that has made them issue poll boycott calls or indulge in violence. The killing of the NC Sarpanch in Shopian and the grenade attack in Lal Chowk recently is a manifestation of this syndrome. These groups will look for opporunities to sabotage the election process and therefore every effort must be made to provide security to vulnerable sections of the society.
The sacrifices made by security personnel and common men should not go waste. Those elected to carridors of power should not forget these incidents but should inspire them to work for development of the nation.
These representatives should  live by the promises they make with people at this time.
Yours etc….
Sanjay Suri