Azad’s grand alliance idea was better for J&K: Cong

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 10:  Terming the BJP-PDP Coalition Government as a “big failure” the State Congress today said that Chief Minister and PDP leader Mufti Mohd Sayeed had dropped the proposal of  `grand alliance’  given by Ghulam Nabi Azad during 2014 Assembly elections in the J&K State.
In a joint statement issued here today Congress leaders said that the concept of grand alliance which was given by senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad (Leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha) was much better than the present failure dispensation. These leaders including Tara Chand, GM Saroori, Taj Mohi-u-Din, Haji Abdul Rashid Dar, Mohammad Amin Bhat, Ab Majeed Wani,  Ajaz Ahmed Khan, Ch Akram, Mumtaz Khan, Yogesh Sawhney,  Aslam Goni, Salman Nizami,  BS Salathia, and Sheikh Mujeeb have said that the PDP chief patron  Mufti Mohammad Sayeed had miserably dropped the proposal of grand alliance which was given by Ghulam Nabi Azad during the 2014 Assembly elections leading to “hue and cry” situation, but the same idea of  `grand alliance’ by  Mr Azad has worked in Bihar, which gave a big defeat to the communal forces.
They further said the PDP-BJP coalition is dangerous for the State as it has led to division  in the society. It has also created wedge between the people and Kashmir and Jammu region which is a matter of grave concern. While targeting the present dispensation, they said that the State is lagging behind in every field, each and every work that has been initiated by the NC-Congress coalition is lying as still due to non-seriousness of  present Government towards the people of State.
The Congress leaders pointed out that many a dozen promises made by the PDP-BJP  during the general elections haven’t been fulfilled.  During Congress rule, the State had witnessed tremendous development under the able leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad. Azad too, had batted to secure grants from the Centre. In fact, he had secured grants three times more than what Modi announced on Saturday.  The grant which Modi announced is said to be used for projects sanctioned by the UPA Government, which includes the National Highway projects and Power projects.
They said with Rs 1.25 lakh crore package Modi could not buy votes in Bihar and he thinks he can buy the conscience of Jammu and Kashmir people with just Rs 80000 crore. The package announced by the PM is the repeat of the old sanctioned projects of UPA Govt by new packaging. Rs 42,611 crores for the NHW, Zojila Project etc is on the ongoing work sanctioned by the UPA govt. Rs 30,000 plan assistance for 5 yrs is not new, State Govt always used to get Rs 7000 to 8000 crores as plan assistance yearly. Rs 8000 crores for relief and rehabilitation has three partners that is the West Pakistani refugees, border migrants and Kashmiri Pandits, how much is meant for the flood victims ? Rs 4900 crore for two AIIMS like Institutions i.e Super Specialty hospitals was already a project of UPA Govt, they added.