Azad certainly needs to check facts: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 22: Notwithstanding his political compulsions including loyalty to Nehru-Gandhi family, Ghulam Nabi Azad, the former Chief Minister of J&K and presently Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha is wildly off the mark when he claims that none except a few people of Leh district are happy with abrogation of Article 370 and reorganisation of the State stated Brig (retd) Anil Gupta, State spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
“If he is doing so to address his constituency, he is doing a great disservice to the vast majority of J&K which is not only happy but is eagerly looking forward to the future in hope of a better future devoid of discrimination, hegemonistic and divisive politics, separatism and militancy” Brig Gupta said in a statement issued here, today.
Azad certainly needs a fact check because the vast majority including the marginalised Kashmiris are happy because they have witnessed the effects of good governance and development ever since the State is being administered directly by the Centre under President’s rule asserted Brig Gupta.
Only those who exploited the impugned articles like 370 and 35A for their personal benefits and for their political fortunes are unhappy with the landmark decision of the Modi Government. Another miniscule segment that is unhappy owe their loyalty to Pakistan since they were the biggest beneficiary of the Pak sponsored turmoil in Kashmir and lived luxurious lives with the Hawala funding received from their benefactors in Pakistan rued Brig Gupta. They were happy in pushing the common Kashmiri to militancy while their own kith and kin flourished, progressed and led luxurious lives outside the State and abroad. The people are happy that they would now be free from the clutches of such selfish, corrupt and untrustworthy leaders stated Brig Gupta.
Hitting hard at Azad, Brig Gupta said that those pseudo-intellectuals and politicians who used the term “Kashmir problem” as a cash cow and considered themselves as self-styled experts who only possessed the wisdom to resolve the “problem” are now crying hoarse against the Government’s historic decision since they have been made irrelevant. One can understand the agony such leaders are undergoing but their efforts to arouse public sentiments through scare and rumour mongering are against the national interest and hence they are better advised to accept the reality and contribute towards restoration of peace and normalcy so that the common man can live happily advised Brig Gupta.