Average 28-30000 traffic violators challaned every month using ITMS in Jammu

Technology also helps in cracking around 15 minor crime cases

Bivek Mathur
JAMMU, July 28: Average 28000-30000 traffic violators are being challaned every month in Jammu District using the Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) installed under the Jammu Smart City Project.
Under the smart system of traffic management, high-tech cameras have been installed in 73 city junctions with 44 junctions dedicated to noticing traffic violations and 29 additional junctions dedicated for surveillance purposes, especially to keep a check on VIP movements and to detect some crimes. A dedicated team of 7 police personnel monitor cameras installed on these junctions from the Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) of the Jammu Smart City Project hosted in the building of the Jammu Municipal Corporation.
“We’re challanning every month between 28000 to 30000 people for violation of road safety laws. The smart cameras have also helped us crack some 15 minor crime cases like snatching, vehicle theft, and hit-and-run cases,” SSP Traffic (City), Faisal Qureshi told the Excelsior.
According to JP Singh, Manager, IT, Jammu Smart City Limited (JSCL), currently people are being challaned with the ITMS at 20 out of 44 city junctions for not wearing seatbelts, helmets, red light violations, and triple riding.
“And in the next one or two months, violators would be challaned for other kind of road safety violations like mobile usage while driving, illegal parking, wrong lane driving and other violations,” he said.
SSP Traffic (City) Faisal Qureshi, however, said that the violators are being challaned for almost all the violations.
Besides challaning, the smart cameras have been also proving helpful in remote management of traffic, decongestion on the city roads, better coordination on the traffic junctions, optimal management of the traffic staff, increased efficiency, and decreasing the incidents of public harassment at the traffic booths.
As far as the use of the surveillance cameras is concerned, JP Singh said, “the Jammu Smart City Project’s Integrated Command and Control Centre is currently receiving the live feeds from 6 out of 29 sensitive locations where the surveillance cameras have been installed. And very soon, we’re going to make all the junctions functional.”
According to JP Singh, Manager, IT, Jammu Smart City Limited (JSCL), the surveillance cameras were specifically installed on the request from Police Headquarters, Jammu and Kashmir.
Among other uses, the surveillance cameras also known as Pan-Tilt-Zoom or PTZ cameras are used for crowd detection, intrusion detection, abandoned object detection, and for detecting a person falling under mysterious circumstances. They are also used for cracking minor crime cases like thefts, hit-and-run, and snatching by identifying the criminals using the video feeds.