Ashrams of solace

Refer write up “Ashrams of solace” by Deepak Raj ( DE 23-09-2012,Sunday Edition). Apart from delineating their spiritual importance for the exile Kashmiri Pandits  who are in need of solace, the write up has, very rightly , characterized them as ” Institutions of the Society”. That these Ashrams should travel beyond ” serving daal and rice” has not come a day two soon. We would feel much better off if these Ashrams are taken as a source to evolve a new social contract– intra — community and inter communities , in order to meet the emerging challenges community as a whole faces, presently,  and is destined to face in coming times.
Yours etc…..
B.L. Saraf
Lower Muthi



The author has focussed on different socio religious aspects of the KPs in exile and deserves all the appreciation.
This is a fact that KP’s are staunch devotees of great Gurus, preceptors and  masters. It is with their blessings that the community is surviving till date and shell continue to survive in fiture also undoubtedly.
However, the author in the concluding para of the write up has suggested to politicise these ashrams also,  which as par my knowledge is not the constitution or aim of them as the KPs or any community wants to have peace of mind and stress free life, which is possible only in such places now-a-days.
The KPs have so many political parties across the country which can deliver the goods in that direction.
I hope the author will appreciate it and agree with me.
Yours etc….
A K Zadu
2/B, Roop Nagar Enclave Jammu