About Article 370

Reacting vociferously on Dr Jitendra Singh’s statement on article 370, Umar Abdullah (NC), Mehbooba Mufti (PDP) M Y Tarigami (AMM) and Saif-u-Din Soz (INC) have made the statements which if considered in view of NC’s demand of autonomy and PDP’s demand of Self Rule tend to convey that sovereignity of India and the powers of Indian Parliament are subject to a temporary clause of the Indian Constitution.
Open debate by all the stakeholders, on article 370 as suggested  by Dr Singh shall put forth all the aspects of this clause by the junsts, politicians and intellectuals of all the three regions of the State including those people of Jammu & Ladakh who have been suffering from six decades due to unintended use of this clause by the Kashmir Centric political Parties. J&K NCP president  Randhir Singh with reference to article 370 has said that only a few politicians and some families have exploited this article for their personal gains and that there is need of the hour to provide Union  Territory status to Ladakh and separate statehood to Jammu. Insertion of Article 370 and the history of Jammu and Kashmir associated therewith has badly damaged not only the oneness of the State but has also badly damaged the secular and social  fabric of the State society.
By misconstruing this article Kashmir centric politicians and many agents of Pakistan, for their personal  gains, gave it secessionist colour which so fragmented the centuries old inhabitants of the valley that there  appears very little possibility of getting the this repeated.
If a meaningful multimember Minorities Commission is constituted for safe guarding the interests of the minorities of the J&K and if there is reorganisation of the State Assembly constituencies on the basis of area and the actual propulation, in that case there is a possibility of J&K remaining as one political unit otherwise what Randhir Singh has said and which is the mainfesto of Jammu Mukti Morcha and some other political parties of Jammu could get the overwhelming support of nationalists of Jammu & Ladakh regions.
Yours etc….
S K Rekhi (Senior)
Gandhi Nagar