Army to build border roads

In a significant deviation from the precedent, the army will be asked to deploy the units of its Corps of Engineers (CoE) for creating road network along the Sino-Indian border in North and East, This is an unprecedented step because so far the Border Roads Organization, the Central PWDs and State Roads and Buildings agencies were doing the job of constructing border roads. We understand that the army is not satisfied with the BRO the agency that is supposed to build road network along the border. There have been complaints against BRO and it is really sad that instead of realizing the urgency of developing border network, the BRO is embroiled in internal bickering and loses the sight of the importance of the task assigned to it.
Army has the famous Corps of Engineers raised more than century and half ago during British rule. This organization has been doing marvellous job. Now it is assigned the task of building the border network with China in Ladakh and in North East. There is no doubt that the CoE will take up the assignment seriously and bring it to completion within the time frame because it is a disciplined agency and performs its duty efficiently. This notwithstanding, we would like to say that it should not become a precedent. Why has the BRO failed intentionally or unintentionally is a question that looms large. The government should constitute a probing mechanism so that we know where this organization has gone wrong. The BRO is a very important organization and it should not be meted out scurvy treatment because that will have grave consequences. Conversely it has to be strengthened and made more effective by inducting young blood into its veins. Its contribution in J&K in very difficult atmospheric conditions cannot be brushed aside. It is actually a branch of army and the army should intervene in rebuilding and rejuvenating the BRO.