Army likely to induct AI to boost combat capabilities, says top commander

HISAR (Har): The Army is likely to induct artificial intelligence (AI) in the next couple of years with an aim to boost its combat capabilities, and the first one to use the technology will be its mechanised forces, a top commander has said.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a seminar on AI at the military station here on Wednesday, South Western Command’s Chief Lt Gen Alok Singh Kler said from ground to space – artificial intelligence will assist the Army in every sphere.

“For using AI for military usage and mechanised forces, the Army has to become completely network-centric. Presently, we are very network-enabled,” he said.

“Very soon in the next 2-3 years, the Army may be inducting AI for constructive and disruptive usage, and the first one to use that will be the mechanised forces,” said the Army commander of the Jaipur-based ‘Sapta Shakti’.

The seminar on AI, a first in connection with military field formation, was organised by the South Western Command ‘Sapta Shakti’ and also attended by domain experts from academia and the industry.

Kler said the seminar was a “big step” towards boosting combat capabilities.

“Initially, AI will be for constructive use, helping the commander take his decision. Taking an information and converting into intelligence, that is possibly the first usage of AI for Army in a constructive manner,” he said.

“But, soon we will have to take into account the disruptive use of artificial intelligence,” he added.

Asked if AI can help predict accidents like the MiG-21 jet crash, he said safety of humans should be put above safety of a system.

“Any system can crash, but what is important is that even if we incorporate AI, safety of humans has to be more important over safety of machines. And, in today’s crash, what is more important is that the two pilots are safe,” the commander said.

He said disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence will dictate how the future warfare will happen.

“In near future, constructive use of AI will soon be followed by direct kinetic vector being controlled by AI,” he said. (agencies)