Apprise people about achievements of Modi Govt, Dr Jitendra: Koul to party men

BJP general secretary, Ashok Koul addressing a party meeting at Udhampur on Thursday.
BJP general secretary, Ashok Koul addressing a party meeting at Udhampur on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, Apr 4: Ashok Koul, general secretary (Org), Bharatiya Janata Party, (BJP) Jammu & Kashmir addressed a review meeting of the Election Committee of Doda-Udhampur-Kathua Parliamentary constituency at party office Udhampur and a ‘Path Sabha’ in Malhar, in Udhampur East Assembly constituency.
J&K BJP vice presidents, Shakti Singh Parihar & Pawan Khajuria, district president, Udhampur, Arun Gupta, BJP spokesperson, Ranbir Singh Pathania, district Udhampur Seh-Prabhari, Sheel Magotra, DDC, Puran Chand, DDC, Prikshit Singh, Col (retd) Man Singh, Ramesh Kumar, Dhanantar Singh, Akhil Prashar and other senior leaders of party also accompanied Ashok Koul during the meeting and the Path Sabha.
Ashok Koul, while addressing the review meeting, took stock of the preparations of the Parliament election. He minutely discussed the measures to contact the voter at the ground level and impressed upon the senior party leaders to formulate a strategy to reach up to every voter. He impressed upon the party leaders to list down all the achievements as well the reformatory steps by the Modi Government and the Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh, that have eased the lives of people and narrate them to the people.
“Modi Government has developed Jammu & Kashmir with the mantra of Peace, Progress and Prosperity. Today, we are talking of advancements in the health sector, education, agriculture, innovation, and moved out of the slumber phase that existed in J&K in the rule of NC, PDP, and Congress”, said Ashok Koul, while addressing the Path Sabha in Malhar.
Shakti Parihar, while addressing the Path Sabha, said that the BJP has only two agendas in Jammu Kashmir, which are all-inclusive development and corruption-free governance with the ease of living for the common people.
Pawan Khajuria said that today, in Jammu & Kashmir, with a faith on the BJP, the people belonging to all sections of the society, from all regions, are supporting the Modi Government for a better future.