Apni Party wants real empowerment of people through restoration of Statehood: Bukhari

Apni Party president Syed Mohd Altaf Bukhari and other party leaders during an election meeting in Kupwara.
Apni Party president Syed Mohd Altaf Bukhari and other party leaders during an election meeting in Kupwara.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Dec 13: Apni Party president Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari today said that his party is desirous of real empowerment of the people in Jammu and Kashmir through restoration of Statehood.
Bukhari was addressing the Party’s campaign convention for DDC elections at Gund Mashar-Lolab in district Kupwara. He was flanked by the Party’s senior vice president Ghulam Hassan Mir, district president Kupwara Raja Manzoor, Party’s contesting candidate from Rajwar Abdul Rashid Bhat, Party’s contesting candidate from Sogam Block Abdul Rahim Wani, besides party leaders advocate Javed Mir and Bilal Arif.
“Turning J&K State into a Union Territory has completely disempowered its people. The political philosophy that formed the edifice of the Apni Party’s agenda encompasses the true empowerment of people through restoration of Statehood and legal safeguards for their land and jobs,” the Apni Party president reiterated.
He said the political empowerment of the people goes through the route of socio-economic development. “In order to address the alienation among people, the Statehood should be restored to J&K with dignity and honour. The Apni Party is committed to strive for this goal along with the Domicile Laws for protection of land and jobs,” Bukhari added.
Stressing on the massive participation in DDC elections, he said the district level councils will provide an opportunity to the people to get directly involved in their local affairs through proposal and action.
Addressing the convention, Party’s senior vice president Ghulam Hassan Mir appealed to the people not to get swayed by the political gimmicks of the parties who have always tried to exploit the political sentiments of the people.
“Our Party’s agenda is absolutely realistic. The Apni Party is committed not to indulge in the politics of pretense or deceit. People should give a chance to the Apni Party candidates to prove themselves and then decide accordingly,” he added.
The campaign meeting was also addressed by other senior leaders who appealed to the people to vote for Party’s contesting candidate Abdul Rahim Wani in DDC elections.