An year of remembrance

Today is 5th of July. An year ago, on this day, Daily Excelsior was bereaved of its visionary founder and Editor-in-Chief, our late father Shri S.D Rohmetra, the doyen of journalism. His sudden and untimely  demise last year  put  an enormous weight of responsibilities and commitments on the entire Excelsior fraternity. Destiny had thrown a formidable challenge  of carrying  forward his legacy and task.
With cool perseverance and dedication to the cause of service to the society, the staff  and extended family of Daily Excelsior rose to  the occasion and continued to  discharge their duty to the best of their ability. Uninterrupted publication of the newspaper became possible owing to the roadmap which our departed team leader had carefully drawn in the course of over   five decades of   his distinguished  contribution in the field of journalism. He  valued objectivity, fair play and neutrality in  the profession  of journalism, and this endeared the paper to a vast readership not only in the state and the country but also outside the country. Ever increasing number of readers testifies to the standard and popularity of the Daily Excelsior.
Besides being the ace journalist of the State, our father had laboriously built enviable profile of the paper in official and non-official circles  within the State  and at the Centre. The calm and infallibility with which he bore himself as a professional during two decades of turmoil and turbulence in the State won him exceptional credibility with the civil society.
More than being the founder Editor, he was a guide, a mentor, a path finder  and a role-model for the Daily Excelsior staff in particular and people from various sections of society in general. He educated and trained all of us in the profession and infused the urge for improvement and excellence. Unlike other patrons, he inducted an element of humanism into the treatment of his subordinates. The shining legacy which he left behind reflects in the culture of team work among the entire Daily Excelsior family.
During the past one year, traditions, principles and guidelines left behind by Shri Rohmetra made it possible for us to fulfill our commitments to civil society and discharge our responsibility with a sense of relief. We are also thankful to our colleagues for their unflinching support to the mission of our father.
We are beholden to our readers and custodians of the conscience of civil society for their unstinted cooperation and much needed advice in upgrading the standard of Daily Excelsior.
Coming years may unfold more challenges to us. We are aware of that. Therefore, we are resolved to serve the community with renewed dedication and sense of purpose. While striving for further improvement in Daily Excelsior in terms of thematic quality, technical improvisation and overall get up as well as in meting out fair deal to the EXCELSIOR family, we shall feel proud to invoke the spirit of our late father for advice and guidance.
-Kamal & Neeraj