Alam release: Parl erupts in anger; PM denounces action

Parliament today erupted in anger over a separatist’s release in Jammu and Kashmir, prompting Prime Minister Narendra Modi to share the “outrage” and denounce the decision amidst his Government’s assertion that it is willing to make any sacrifice for national integrity.
As opposition mounted an onslaught over freeing of Masarat Alam by the J&K Government of which BJP is a part, Home Minister Rajnath Singh admitted to “ideological differences” with PDP and asserted that “nobody, howsoever powerful”, will be allowed to play with national integrity.
Members in both Lok Sabha and Rajya expressed “outrage” over the release of the separatist leader, calling the development as “anti-national” and dangerous to the country’s integrity. They dared BJP to pull out of the Mufti Mohammad Sayeed-led Government on the issue.
Speaking in Lok Sabha, Modi said he shared the “outrage” and would take whatever action is required.
Asserting that the release of the separatist leader was not acceptable, Modi said his Government won’t tolerate any compromise with the nation’s integrity.
He said the Centre has sought clarifications from the State Government and will act after the response is received.
“Parliament, in one voice, has condemned this type of action. I assure the country and the House that whatever is happening there (in J and K), the Union Government was neither consulted not informed… Government does not accept such action.
“In one voice, we express our anger against those supporting separatists and misusing the law. In the coming days, we will take whatever action is required and we are committed to the nation’s integrity,” Modi said.
The Home Minister, who made statements in both the Houses, asserted that Jammu and Kashmir was, is and will be an integral part of the country and “no one, howsoever powerful, will be allowed to play with the security, unity and integrity of India.”
Rejecting allegations of a “hidden agenda” behind the decision to release Alam, he said, “We are ready to make any sacrifice for the national integrity.”
He assured Parliament that the Centre will not shy away from issuing “strongest advisory” and will inform the House about action taken in the matter.