AITUC discusses demands

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 3: A working committee meeting of All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) held under the chairmanship of S K Sharma, general secretary, discussed various Government policies which are not fulfilling the expectations of the working classes and the unorganized sector.
The working committee members felt that the Central and State Governments have not taken any measures to curb the price rise of essential commodities and to generate employment and the Government is trying to settle the issues through the inherited anti-poor targeting mechanism like attacking the social security system; Making optional the EPF, ESI schemes; Demolishing the existing labour laws thereby empowering the employers with unilateral right to hire and fire and striping the workers and the trade unions of their rights and protection provided in labour laws.
The meeting resolved to mobilize all trade unions of the State to take part in the struggle of the working classes if the Government fails to concede the genuine and just demands like regularization of all departmental daily wagers, contractual workers, need based workers; to reconstitute the State EPF Board of J&K by including trade unions; to constitute Minimum Wage Advisory Board and other related committees; Implementation of EPF Act in Jammu and Kashmir so that workers could get pension and to start construction work on Hydroelectric projects in the State.
The AITUC decided to hold tow day State level conference in May 2017 in which Central leadership of AITUC will be invited besides other trade union leaders.
Others who spoke on the occasion included Balkar Singh, ParvinderKumar, Kartar Singh, Ghulam Ali, Farooq Lone, Dalip Singh Bhatti, Munshi, Ram, Mohd Ayub Haji, Ajaz Ahmed, Y V Raina, Chuni Lal Shan, Gulam Rasool Gilkar etc.