AICTE issues stern warning to colleges denying admissions under PMSSS

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Sept 9: All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) has issued stern warning to those technical institutions who are denying admission to J&K Students Under Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme (PMSSS) asking them either comply with the Government directives or face action.
The AICTE has written a letter to all such colleges across the country against whom it had received complaints that they were denying the admissions to the deserving students selected under PMSSS on flimsy grounds and told them that this practice will not be allowed.
According to sources in AICTE, some colleges were denying admission to the students selected under the respective scheme by Government of India on their own and the students as well as their parents thus selected under PMSSS had made complaints with the AICTE which took strong exception to the behavior of management of these colleges and issued warnings to them.
Sources said even some colleges were intimated on phone by the AICTE authorities expressing their strong displeasure over the behavior of the management towards the newly selected students from J&K under PMSSS and warned them that this will not be tolerated.
Besides, conveying their displeasure telephonically, letters were also dispatched to the respective institutions by the AICTE authorities in this regard and the administration of these colleges was asked to comply with the Central Government policy failing which they will be taken to task, sources added.
Sources said that Government of India (GoI) under PMSSS has selected good colleges of the country for admission of the J&K students across the country and this year 2300 students from the State were selected for various engineering courses in various colleges across the country.
The admission process of these students has been almost complete by ending last month as per the admission process of the respective colleges. However, some of the colleges were refusing admission to the students from trouble-torn State which has now been set right, sources said.
Sources said in its letter the AICTE has made it categorical to the management of these colleges that the AICTE has sanctioned two extra seats in each stream for the J&K students and this is above the strength of the seats in the respective colleges so there is no ground of denying the admission to the students selected under PMSSS.
Sources said that AICTE soon after receiving the admission letters from the respective colleges in which the 2300 students from J&K were given admission will deposit the fee in their accounts.
Moreover, the AICTE has also asked the management of the colleges to ensure that these students didn’t face any problem while their training as GoI was bearing all expenses of their training including boarding and lodging.
To ensure smooth process of admission so that these students can feel at home while undergoing training in various technical colleges across the country, AICTE has constituted 20 teams across the country, sources said, adding besides it has also framed nine regional centers across the country for smooth admission process of the students.
These regional centers are in different regions of the country and AICTE is closely monitoring the admission process to ensure that these students are not put to any problem or hardships in their respective colleges.
Confirming that AICTE has censured the management of those colleges who denied the admission to the students from J&K selected under the scheme, Vice Chairman AITCE Prof. M P Poonia said that he has written letters to such colleges and also contacted them on phone asking them that they should comply with Government policy immediately failing which they have to face the action.
The letter was written to these colleges in the last week of August by Prof Poonia. He said that the issue has been solved as no college can afford to deny the admission henceforth.
Though the admission process for the students of restive State went smoothly this year, unfortunately, a number of institutions have been brought in the notice of AICTE authorities not only by the candidates themselves but also from other quarters including some government departments that quite a number of colleges have denied admission on flimsy grounds forcing the regulatory body to come to the rescue of these students warning action against such colleges in case they don’t comply with the Government policy, Prof Poonia said.