Advisor Khan takes stock of developmental works in Rajouri

Advisor Farooq Khan laying foundation stone of Labour Office at Rajouri.
Advisor Farooq Khan laying foundation stone of Labour Office at Rajouri.

*Interacts with several delegations

Excelsior Correspondent
RAJOURI, Jan 30: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Khan today conducted whirlwind tour of this border district and took stock of developmental activities here.
He inaugurated District Employment & Counselling Center at Chowkimerra and laid foundation stone of the Labour Office complex at Rajouri.
Commissioner Secretary, Labour and Employment, Saurabh Bhagat; Labour Commissioner, Abdul Rashid War; Director Employment Jammu, YP Suman; District Development Commissioner Rajouri, Mohammad Nazir Sheikh; CEO/Secretary JKBOCW, Muzaffar Ahmed Peer; Deputy Labour Commissioner, Kanta Devi; Additional Deputy Commissioner Rajouri Sher Singh; Additional Superintendent of Police Liaqat Choudhary; OSD to Advisor, Mohammad Ashraf Hakak; Joint Director Employment Jyoti Slathia; ALC Rajouri, Angrez Singh and other District and Sectoral Officers were present on the occasion.
The Advisor also inspected pace of work on Sports Stadium Kheroa.
Later, the Advisor also distributed education assistance of Rs 1.16 crore under Lower Education Assistance, Rs.6.50 lakh under Higher Education Assistance, Rs. 77,959.00 under Chronic Disease Assistance – the welfare Schemes of J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. The amount will be disbursed among wards of 1320 construction workers as Education Assistance (Lower & Higher). He also handed over registration Labour Passbooks to newly enrolled construction workers in the District.
Besides, he also handed over a cheque of Rs 13. 01 lakh as ex-gratia to Jaswant Kour and Surjeet Singh, the parents of deceased Ajit Singh, who was a driver by profession and died in a road accident at Mandir Galla, Rajouri.
Meanwhile, the Advisor appealed the workers to come forward and get the benefits of the schemes initiated by the Government for their upliftment. He asked the officers of Labour Department to generate awareness among common masses, particularly un-organized workers so that the benefits percolate down to the targeted lot. He said PRIs could play an important role in the generating awareness among the common masses.
Meanwhile, several delegations hailing from different walks of life called on Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Khan, and apprised him about various issues and demands during his day-long visit to Rajouri district.
The delegations comprised Chairperson BDCs, MC Rajouri Councillors, Pahari Association, Beopar Mandal, Border Area deputations, Refugee Deputation, Deputations of OBCs, BJP delegation, senior citizens and other prominent citizens.
A delegation of BJP led by Dinesh Sharma demanded sanctioning of pending pension cases, replacement of worn out pipes, tricycles for handicapped persons, opening of fair price shops, enhancement in the ration quota, four-laning of Jammu-Poonch Highway, funds for Kotranka-Khawas Road and other issues.
The MC Rajouri Councillors’ delegation projected immediate need for the delimitation of wards in MC Rajouri, opening of ration stores ward wise and sanctioning of the Anganwadi Centres for the wards.
A delegation led by Beopar Mandal President Rajesh Sharma demanded the establishment of the solid liquid waste management plant for Rajouri town, adequate modern parking facilities , completion of sports stadium Kheora and repair of Mughal Road at the earliest.
Another delegation of prominent citizens led by Pushpinder Gupta, demanded early construction and completion of Mini Secretariat, renovation of Town Hall Rajouri , provision of critical care ambulance for border areas and declaration of Mughal Road as National Highway.
A delegation of OBC Association led by Parmod Jasyal, demanded 27 percent reservation in employment for OBCs, Up-gradation of High School Chowdhury Nar to Higher Secondary Level.
Similarly, a delegation of border areas led by Haji Jamsheed, demanded sanctioning of more border bunkers, release of funds under BADP, special recruitment drive for unemployed youth of border areas, timely release of funds under TSP and augmentation of the inner roads in the border areas.
A delegation of refugees led by Subash Sharma demanded sanctioning of special package for the refugees living in Rajouri-Poonch and other district of Jammu and Kashmir.
A delegation of Sarpanchs of Block Plangrah also interacted with the Advisor and projected their demands including lack of furniture in Panchayat Ghars , timely release of funds for execution of works, early completion of Saaj to Bhatti Mohalla Road and augmentation of education infrastructure.
A delegation led by Iqbal Malik demanded repair of Rajouri Darhal Road, promotion of tourism and increase in reservation for Pahari speaking Community at par with Schedule Tribe.
The delegation led by BDC Chairperson Nowshera, Bodh Raj demanded that Nowshera Block be declared as Model Block Nowshera, Nowshera Subdivision be given the status of district and sanctioning of more bunkers for the border inhabitants.
A deputation of border inhabitants of Doongi area led by BDC Chairperson Riaz Ahmed demanded early start of work on already sanctioned GDC Doongi, better telecom connectivity, sanctioning of more community and individual border bunkers, adequate release of funds under 14th FC, early start of work on Grid station Doongi, sanctioning of Accidental Hospital at Narian and release of funds under Back to Village programme.
Another delegation led by BDC Chairperson, Tazeem Akhter demanded sanctioning of GDC for Dhangri, augmentation of road connectivity, augmentation of infrastructure and manpower in schools and sanctioning of Tehsil Headquarters at Dhangri.
A delegation of border areas led by Raj Kumar of Doongi, projected the provision of bullet proof ambulances and augmentation of healthcare facilities in the border areas.