ACB produces chargesheet against official of Rural Dev Deptt Pampore , contractor for embezzlement of Rs 8.39 lakh

SRINAGAR: The Jammu & Kashmir Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Thursday said that it has produced a charge sheet against the official of Rural Development Department Pampore and contractor for embezzlement of Rs 8.39 lakhfrom official bank account. The accused was remanded to judicial custody
A statement issued by the Jammu & Kashmir dAnti Corruption Bureau (ACB) said ” the Anti Corruption Bureau has produced chargesheet against the accused persons namely Bashir Ahmad Wani S/o Ghulam Mohammad Wani R/o Kalashpora Babdamb Srinagar then posted as MPW (Halqa Konibal Pampore) Rural Development Department Block Pampore (now retired) and Abdul Rashid Dar S/o Ghulam Mohamad Dar R/O Lalpora Chatlam Pampore (Civilian Job Card Holder) u/s 173 Cr. PC for the commission of offences U/s 5 (1) (d), 5(1)c r/w 5 (2), J&K PC Act. Svt, 2006, and section 120–B, 420, 468, 471, RPC in case FIR NO. 45/2015 of PS ACB Srinagar in Anti Corruption Court Pulwama”.
Stating that the case pertains to department of RDD, which, for upliftment of Rural Areas under MGNREGA, was constructing/executing different developmental works, the ACB in it’s statement further said “during the investigation it surfaced that an amount of Rs. 8,39,027/- has been fraudulently drawn from official account of Panchayat Secretary bearing A/C No.: 18177 of J&K Bank Pampore on forged labour advices & same was credited into the bank accounts of non-genuine Job Card Holders who are either relatives or neighbours of accused facilitator namely Abdul Rashid Dar”. The statement also said that the amount has been later withdrawn by the accused Abdul Rashid Dar from the accounts of these job card holders, adding that “the accused person namely Bashir Ahmad Wani S/o Ghulam Mohammad Wani R/o Kalashpora Babdamb Srinagar under a well knit conspiracy hatched with Abdul Rashid Dar S/o Ghulam Mohammad Dar R/o Lalpora Chatlam Pampore (Civilian Job Card Holder), prepared forged labour advice amounting to Rs. 30,000/- dated 24.04.2013, Rs. 5,45,000/- dated 12.05.2013, Rs. 1,57,000/- dated 09.04.2013, Rs. 29,737/- dated 02.01.2013 and Rs. 77,290/- dated 02.01.2013”.
The ACB in the concluding para of the above referred statement said “on the basis of these labour advices, he managed to draw an amount of Rs. 8,39,027/- from bank accounts of job card holders who are either relatives or neighbours of accused facilitator namely Abdul Rashid Dar”, adding that “both the accused were lodged in sub jail Pulwama for judicial custody till next date of hearing”. Next date of hearing, the statement said, has been fixed on Ist April this year.