A big boost

It is good omen for the football players in Jammu and Kashmir that J&K XI drubbed one of the  formidable competitors Mohun Bagan, Kolkatta during a goodwill football match organized by the J&K State Sports Council. By defeating Mohun Bagan, J&K XI did unbelieveable. No spectator had expected that one  of India’s top most football clubs will be defeated by a team which does not even have national recognition.
The scintillating win underlines the fact that the State has tremendous talent  which needs to be tapped at the earliest. Besides, the win will serve as a booster to the sports person here. It will raise their confidence level, which is quite important in maintaining the momentum.
The only thing that the players in the State need is proper coaching facilities and required infrastructure.
The win demonstrated that the State players are capable of defeating any formidable  challenger.
Yours etc….
Vikas Mahajan

Killing of Sarpanch
At a time when Additional General Secretary of National Conference Dr Mustafa Kamal  has asked army to go back to barracks, militants shot dead  Palhalan Sarpanch Ghulam Mohammad Yatoo, a party worker of the same party. Not only this, the killing created panic among other Sarpanchs in the area, and they tendered their mass resignation.
If as per the assessment of Dr Kamal peace has returned to  the valley, the incident should not  occured at all.
The Army is there to protect people from militants who have made the lives of people quite miserable, and  not to harass people. While doing so it is losing its men to bullets from militants.
If peace in real sense returns the valley, the Army will wind up it mission on its own.
Yours etc….
Sunil Sharma
Gandhi Nagar

Rules are for all
Refer news item ‘Security guards of Taj arrested’ DE Sept 12.
It is a matter of concern that the two security guards escorting the minister acted in a shameful manner.
They beat one of their own men who was on duty at that time. This reveals the high-handedness of the people who are supposed to make others follow rules framed for running the society smoothly.
If a set of rules are framed, they are to be followed by all people irrespective of the position they enjoy in the society. If leaders, and bureaucrats follow the rules they make, common people then have no hesitation in following the same. If lawmakers turn law-breakers, then it will be a free for all situation.
If people are angry with the system, it is because they feel unheard, and neglected.
The Government should act tough against those who are bent  on breaking laws.
Yours etc…
Arun Kumar
Dhar Road