One more Vigilance Commissioner

Taking all “relevant aspects” into consideration, it is baffling as to why one more Vigilance Commissioner is not appointed in Jammu and Kashmir despite a post lying vacant for more than a year and a half. The procrastinating policy of the Government over the issue is not easy to be fathomed.
If State Vigilance Commission is to be given meaningful functional role and strengthened reasonably in adequate measure, providing it with another Vigilance Commissioner is only the basic requirement and not an administrative luxury. Let no bones be made about the role and functions of the Commission becoming more varied and in added proportions year after year because of progressive spurt in complaints and instances of prevalence of corruption and other related offences indulged in by some public servants, corporations, societies, companies owned by the Government as also by some politicians.
Required, otherwise to be endowed with more sharper teeth, the Commission requires at least to have another Vigilance Commissioner and other dedicated staff strength, but it is surprising that General Administration Department, despite inviting nominations from the Administrative Secretaries for the post of Vigilance Commissioner appears to be self satisfied over getting virtually no response. Agreed, the role of this post is endearing none excepting the honest and sparing none from the corrupt and hence gracefully “hard”, does not mean to keep it vacant indefinitely.