Ensure timely release of salaries to ReT teachers: AJKLTF

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 8: All Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh Teachers Federation (AJKLTF) has criticized the State Government for its alleged failure to release timely salaries of the teaching staff working in educational institutions under centrally sponsored schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA).
Expressing displeasure over the non serious approach of the State Government for not releasing monthly salaries of the Rehbar-e-Taleem teachers on time, Devraj Thakur, State president, AJKLTF, today made an appeal to the Union Government and J&K Education Department to make advance arrangement of funds for the salaries of thousands of ReT teachers.
He said ReT teachers are backbone of school education in the State especially in the rural and remote areas. Highlighting the distress of families of ReT teachers, Thakur said that they are underpaid due to which their families are suffering economically and facing humiliation. “In these days of high inflation how a family can survive on such a meager amount, he questioned”, he added.
Thakur said besides releasing salaries on time, the other genuine demands of ReTs must also be given a patient hearing. He also condemned the unaccredited and malfeasant decision of Government of Jammu and Kashmir in which SSA salary for the month of April has been released without the incentives of 7th Pay Commission.
He said AJKLTF fully supports the issues of ReT teachers in the State and stands with them. He warned the authorities not to provoke the teachers otherwise it will be difficult for the Government to negotiate with teachers. “It will be good if the Government solves the issues of ReT teachers amicably and delinks their salaries without any delay.