At it as usual

B L Saraf
The destruction   brought by the September floods in the Valley  was so swift and  humongous that people could do nothing except  stand  dumb  witness  to it and suffer the consequences. Some parts in Jammu province, too,  could not escape the fury.
The floods swept away hundreds of lives, assets built over ages, carrier hopes and marital    fortunes of so many. Thanks to the timely intervention by the Army and Para military forces and the  relief  efforts  of the Central  Government the  scale of  damage  was contained. But, the  unfolding after effects of the  tragedy,  as days go by, reveal that the loss, in  material  terms,  is so colossal  that, as of now, whatever relief may be provided to the sufferers will   remain  inadequate. But  who cares for the  sufferer ?  Academia and intellectuals in Kashmir, rather than looking inwards and contribute  positively to salvage the grim situation and create conditions conducive to  provide relief to the needy  and get them settled,  have other “urgent job” to attend to i.e India bashing!Pathetic conditions still prevail in the Valley   but  they are at it as usual.
The breast beating champions of Azadi and India  baiters  have, after being rescued by the very forces whom they condemn,  taken to their old business  with  gusto. They didn’t wait even for   customary  ‘mourning period’ to pass to start diatribe against the Armyand the Central Government, by inventing  falsehood and twisting the facts. The knowledgeable   Kashmir  watchers had predicted it to happen.
Given their extra territorial predilections, it is not surprising that  the sympathisers of separatists cause, masquerading as  columnists and intellectuals, have  started a well designed campaign  to malign the Army and the Central Government. Even if their presence on the scene is  acknowledged, they  allege,  it was  only  for the evacuation of “Bihari labourers and  the Indian visitors.” A motivated propaganda is under way to highlight the effort of local youth, NGOs   of non- resident Kashmiris, individuals from Poonch, Rajouri, and Doda.
A  serious  attempt is made   to  convey the message that local effort has  counted more than the recue act of the Army  and relief provided by the Central and outside agencies. Bogus organisations are set up which trot out highly   inflated  statistics, showing   people recued and provided with relief by the locals and belittle the enormous work done by the Army and  NDRF, in this regard.
For these ‘intellectuals’ and the ‘civil society members’ everything done by the GOI and the State Government is to be blamed for the catastrophe; the locals, however, are free from any  blame. To them, “the aborted Kaunsar Nag Yatra and ongoing Amaranth  pilgrimage are  the root causes for the current ills of the Valley.”
Adding, Railway track and the four lanes  of  National Highway as the abettors. The Valley based motivated ‘environmental activists’ conveniently turn  a blind eye to the real causes of the current devastation which are; the mindless deforestation, indiscriminate felling  of trees- not sparing  even the protected trees like walnut  and the majestic  Chinar- turning  Dal Lake into a big sewerage   pond:   apart from blocking water outlets  of the main rivers. It would lend some credit to their “activism” if these’ honourable  persons  introspect   and  reflect seriously  upon the matter. They must have a  heart. It is quite dismaying prospect that some people in Kashmir want to see perpetuation of the abnormal situation. They detest Government initiative even to bring a semblance of normalcy, because continuation of abnormal conditions would suit the separatist’s  intentions to keep discontent alive among the people, to be used to further their  cause.
Pakistan Army is lending a helping hand to them in this despicable endeavour by making things hot at the LOC and IB. How callous one  can be to see   in the flood devastation a god send opportunity to flog the dying separatist sentiment? True, Kashmir youth did play an  appreciable part in rescuing and  then  providing  much needed relief to the marooned. They continue to do so, tirelessly.
The local Army commander has  acknowledged their role.  Similarly public spirited people of  Poonch,    Rajouri  and Doda   came to the rescue of flood sufferers in the Valley. We hope the Kashmir ” intellectuals ”  would  learn  from the Army Commander to be gracious at occasions, when situation demands so and appreciate the job done by the Central forces. Well,  we can give the apologists of Hurriyat  an argument,  but who will give them the sense of  understanding when they are destined  to learn only the sectarian language. They are not prepared to  hold  the other view, howsoever    reasonable it may be .
(The author is Former  Principal  District &  Sessions Judge )