8 PoK people arrive in Valley

Eight residents of the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) arrived here while three Kashmiris crossed over to other side of the Line of Control (LoC) in Karwan-e-Aman bus, operating between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad.
Meanwhile, 17 people also returned to their respective places.       The Karwan-e-Aman bus run continued despite tense situation on the Line of Control (LoC) though guns are silent for the past two weeks. The attempts of infiltration from PoK, however,are continued.
Official sources said here this evening that eight PoK residents, including four women and three children, arrived at Kaman Post after crossing Aman Setu, Peace Bridge, on foot to meet their relatives, separated in 1947’s Partition.
They said five Kashmiris, including three women, who had gone to PoK, returned to Srinagar after completing their stay there.
Meanwhile, three Kashmiris, including a child, crossed to the other side of the LoC to meet their relatives.
The sources said 12 PoK residents, including six women and a child, who had come to Srinagar during earlier bus service, also returned to their homes.
They said the weekly peace bus left Srinagar at 0700 hrs and reached LoC at around 0900 hrs for security reasons to avoid any stone pelting and protests due to strike called by separatists.
Despite unrest since July 9 in Kashmir valley, the bus run continued.  However, on July 11 and 18, the bus could not?. (UNI)