3-year jail term for man for sodomy

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Nov 30: A court here today convicted a man and sentenced him to three years of rigorous imprisonment for sodomizing a minor child.
The court of Additional Special Mobile Magistrate Awantipora, Fariqa Nazir after hearing Khursheed Ahmad, Sr. Prosecuting Officer for the State and counsel for the accused, convicted Javid Ahmad Dar, a resident of Aghanjipora for subjecting a 4-year old minor boy to sodomy.
It was observed that the convict after employing deceitful means had taken the minor boy on bicycle away from his home and committed gruesome and heinous offence of sodomy.
He has been sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of three years for the commission of offence punishable under 377 RPC and a fine of Rs 5000 has also been imposed upon him for the commission of said offence and in case of default in payment of fine, trial court has ordered that he shall undergo imprisonment for one more year.
The trial court turned down the plea of convict for release on probation in terms of Section 562 Cr P.C after Khursheed Ahmad, Senior Prosecuting Officer vehemently resisted the same.
The trial court while concluding the judgment observed that the commission of offence under Section 377 RPC by the convict against the victim must have created a trauma to the victim who was at that time 3-4 years old and said act on the part of convict is very brutal and is to be condemned strongly.