3 bovines being smuggled in Tempo Traveler seized

Excelsior Correspondent
RAJOURI, Jan 15: Three bovine animals being smuggled in a passenger vehicle (Tempo Traveller ), were seized by police in Sunderbani area of Rajouri district today.
Official sources said that a police party after receiving information from locals recovered three cattle from passenger Tempo Traveller at village Rasiot near Kalidhar Brigade in Sunderbani. The official said adopting new modus operandi, the smugglers tried to dodge police and smuggle bovine animals to Rajouri/Poonch and then to Kashmir in passenger vehicle. He said passenger Tempo bearing registration number JK12- 1865 was on way to Rajouri from Jammu. It was loaded with three bovine animals, badly tied with ropes.
Suddenly, Tempo’s one tyre bursted near village Rasiot. The people saw some bovines roped in tempo and they immediately informed police at Chowki Chowra. The police party rushed towards the spot but the driver ran away from there on seeing police, leaving his Tempo behind.
The police party rescued all the three milch animals, which came out of the tempo and then handed over these cows to a villager on `Spurdnama’. A case was registered in this connection.
Meanwhile, District Police chief Rajouri has directed policemen at Nakas to check passenger vehicles as well to keep check on bovines smuggling.