224 bovines rescued in Jammu, Udhampur, Ramban

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 24: Police today claimed that they have seized 12 vehicles and freed 224 animals from the clutches of the bovine smugglers in Jammu, Udhampur, and Ramban districts.
In Jammu district, three vehicles, including a truck (JK14C-6067) and two Tata mobiles (JK02CR-6093 and JK020B-6146) were seized and 17 animals crammed inside these vehicles in a cruel manner were rescued, a police official said.
He said, out of three drivers transporting the animals illegally one identified as Manzoor Ahmed of Channi Mansar, Tehsil Majalta, district Udhampur, has been arrested while the other two managed to escape leaving their vehicles abandoned.
Taking cognisance of the matter, police have registered separate FIRs under numbers 160/2024, 161/2024, and 162/2024 Under Sections 188 IPC, 11 PCA Act, and 50/52/54/56 of the Transport of Animals Act at Police Station Nagrota and taken up further investigations.
In Udhampur district, police rescued 50 bovines and seized three vehicles, which were being used for smuggling the animals to Kashmir.
Reports said a team of Police Station Rehmbal, led by SHO Nishat Sumbria, intercepted three vehicles and foiled bovine smuggling bids. Police rescued 50 number of cattle, which were being smuggled in these vehicles, bearing registration numbers JK02DD- 6609 (Truck) JK19A- 1487 (Truck) and JK02DD- 5314 (Tata Mobile), which were also seized.
One of the accused persons, namely Manzoor Ahmed, son of Abdul Subhan of Bankote, Banihal (driver of JK02DD- 6609), was arrested on-the-spot while the other two managed to flee leaving behind their vehicles on road.
In this regard, three different FIRs under relevant sections of law have been registered in Police Station Rehmbal and further investigation of the cases is underway.
In Ramban District, police claimed to have foiled six bovine smuggling bids by registering as many FIRs against same number of bovine smugglers besides rescuing 157 animals from the clutches of the smugglers.
Police sources informed that cops from Police Station Chanderkote intercepted three vehicles during the checking of vehicles and found 67 bovines loaded in a cruel manner being transported illegally towards Kashmir. Three people were arrested in this regard.
In another instance, cops from Police Station Ramban intercepted three vehicles. On their search, 90 bovines were found loaded in a cruel manner being transported illegally towards Kashmir. Three people were arrested in this case.
In this regard, cops have registered FIR Numbers 74, 75 and 76 of 2024 at Police Station Chanderkote and FIR Numbers 115, 116 and 117 of 2024 at Police Station Ramban under the relevant sections of law.