2050 perform darshan at holy cave

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 13: On the 44th day of darshan, 2,050 pilgrims drawn from different parts of the country today paid obeisance to naturally formed Ice Shivlingam at 3888 metre high Himalayan cave in Lidder Valley of South Kashmir’s Anantnag district.
Officials said that 2,050 pilgrims from twin tracks of Baltal and Nunwan-Pahalgam paid obeisance at holy cave by this evening. They included 1,636 male, 373 female, seven children , 24 Sadhus, nine Sadhvis and one Transgender.
With today’s darshan of 2,050 pilgrims at holy cave, a total number of 4,33, 603 pilgrims drawn from different parts of country visited holy cave in last 44 days since the 62 days long yatra started on July 1, officials said, adding the yatra is proceeding normally from both the tracks.
Officials said that the employees deputed on yatra duty as well as Bhandara people, Sewadars and other service providers today celebrated the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav at base camps, transit camps and holy cave. All the buildings at base camps and transit camps were illuminated and decorated fully befitting the occasion.
Reports reaching here said that the yatris on way to holy cave also participated in the celebrations. As authorities have decided that the yatra will move on alternative days, no pilgrim from Jammu left for the twin base camps of Baltal and Nunwan-Pahalgam today.