16 Enggs promoted

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 3: Public Works (R&B) Department has ordered promotion of 16 Engineers (Mechanical) to their next higher level.
According to the order, Bodh Raj, awaiting orders for posting, has been posted as Superintending Engineer at PHE Mechanical Rural Jammu, Muzaffar Hussain was transferred from Mechanical City Drainage Division Srinagar and posted at SKIMS Kashmir, Naqshbandi Mubashir Nazeer has been transferred from SKIMS Kashmir to PHE Mechanical Urban Jammu and Fayaz Ahmad Patiguroo from MID Srinagar JKPDC to PHE Mechanical South Kashmir.
Rajay Kokroo was transferred from MID Anantnag and posted as Executive Engineer Mechanical City Drainage Division Srinagar, Mohd Iqbal Kirmani from MID Baramulla at the disposal of Jal Shakti Department, Jahan Ara from MH&CH Division Srinagar to MH&CH Division Srinagar against an available vacancy, Rajeev Mohan from RTIC Mech Division Jammu at the disposal of Jal Shakti Department, Kulwant Singh from PHE GWD Jammu to MED Khilani, Surinder Singh from MED Khilani to MID, Srinagar JKPDC and Kashmir Singh from MH&CH Division Jammu at the disposal of Jal Shakti Department.
Deepu Kumar Bhat and Shammi Kapoor have been transferred from MED and posted at the disposal of MED Jammu, while Tarlok Singh and Manzoor Ahmad Dar, awaiting orders of their posting at Jal Shakti Department have been posted at the disposal of Jal Shakti Department and Vinod Chalotra, awaiting orders of posting at Jal Shakti Department has been posted at the disposal of MED Jammu.