144.2 kg minor forest produce seized

Excelsior Correspondent

UDHAMPUR, Jan 13: Continuing its crackdown against smuggling of forest produce, Forest Division Udhampur seized 144.2 kg minor forest produce Kour, which was being smuggled to Punjab.
This is the success of Forest Division Udhampur following the recent seizure of 307 kgs of Gucchies and 187 number scants/planks of Kail Timber.
The officials of Forest Division Udhampur, under the supervision of Rushal Garg, DFO Udhampur, intercepted a vehicle bearing registration number DL3CBD-6770, which was loaded with minor forest produce Kour (Picrorhiza kurroa).
During the preliminary inspection, it was revealed that one Ramesh Kumar, son of Channi Ram and resident of Samba, was smuggling this minor forest produce from Dool in Kishtwar district to Amritsar without any valid permissions.
The officials of the department seized both the illicit NTFP and the vehicle while a case has been registered in this connection.