Sat Sharma distributes kits among National Basketball players

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

MLA Jammu West Sat Sharma distributing kits among National Basketball players.
MLA Jammu West Sat Sharma distributing kits among National Basketball players.

JAMMU, May 20: Sports Authority of India (SAI), organized a function at MA Stadium, wherein kits were distributed among National level Basketball players.
BJP MLA Jammu West, Sat Sharma (CA) was the chief guest, who distributed Basketball kits amongst the inmates of SAI on the occasion of SAI Day under SAI Day Boarding Scheme.
Sharma was also flanked by the officials of SAI and BJP leaders.
A total number of 19 Basketball kits were distributed amongst the girls and boys who participated in Nationals and were selected by SAI.
Lauding the efforts of SAI, Mr Sharma said that it is a very great initiative taken up by the authorities of SAI which is helping the blooming players to provide every resource required in order to excel in sports.
He said that sports have a very significant role in the life of a youth which helps him not only to keep his body physically fit but also relieves him from extra mental pressure as well.