Excelsior Sports CorrespondentSrinagar, May 26: Government is mulling to promote Jammu and Kashmir as ‘world sports destination’. This was stated by Director Tourism Kashmir Raja Yaqoub on the sidelines of a golf tournament held at Royal Springs Golf Course located in the foothills of Zabarwan Mountains in Srinagar.”Our endeavors are focused on transforming Jammu & Kashmir into a world-renowned sports destination. As we know J&K boasts some of the finest golf courses, we are actively pursuing the organizations of international tournaments here,” he said.Highlighting the need of tournament, he said the motive behind the conduct of golf tournament was to promote J&K as ‘world sports destination’. “16 teams and 96 players throughout the country participated in the tournament. Ours have finest golf courses in Kashmir valley and the government is trying its best to divert international tournaments here,” he said.Commenting on the local talent, the Director Tourism said that J&K youth have lots of talent and from last few years they are being ample opportunities to excel in sports field.”The Government of J&K is gradually working on to organize international matches here. From last three-four years the sports infrastructure in the region have been improved vastly both by Government of India and J&K,” he remarked.