Excelsior Sports Correspondent
JAMMU, May 2: To celebrate its 44th Annual Day, Air Force School Jammu organized a colourful function at Zorawar Singh Auditorium, University of Jammu, here today.
Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture, Raman Bhalla was the chief guest on the occasion, while Air Commodore, PE Patange was the guest of honour.
Group Captain, Shashikant Pati, Flight Lieutenant, Karishma Sethi, senior officers of Air Force, parents and students were also present on the occasion.
Describing the youth as the future leaders, Mr Bhalla said that extra-curricular activities are an essential component of the education process for preparing the students to effectively face future challenges.
Bhalla said the aim of education is not merely passing examinations but to also produce balanced personalities, adding that alongside academic pursuit other activities provide an excellent opportunity for the youth to exhibit and develop their creative talents besides, acquire knowledge which would help them to lead harmonious lives.
The Minister was also honoured by being presented a memento by Air Commodore, PE Patange.
Earlier, Colourful cultural items were presented by the school children depicting cultural ethos of the region which were highly applauded by the audience.
The trophy for best student of the year was presented to Simarpreet Singh of class 12th and Riya Jamwal of class 11th, while other consolation prizes in the shape of trophies were distributed among meritorious students by the chief guest.
Principal of the School, Vikesh Sandhal presented vote of thanks.