DPS Udhampur holds Annual Sports Meet

School Management of DPS Udhampur posing with students during Annual Sports Meet.
School Management of DPS Udhampur posing with students during Annual Sports Meet.

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

UDHAMPUR, Dec 27: Delhi Public School Udhampur organised a two day long Annual Sports meet ‘DPS Olympics 5.O’. The two-day event not only incorporated sports and athletic events but also a rich cultural diversity of India. The students presented beautiful tabulates displaying the cultural heritage of the county covering all States and UTs of India.
The chief guest for the day one was Lal Chand, DDC Udhampur while guest of honours were Nuzhat Gull, Secretary J&K Sports Council, Dr JC Gupta Pro Vice Chairman of DPS Udhampur; Dr Pramod Kumar Srivastava, Advisor to Jammu Sahodaya and Principal Model Academy and Girish Kumar Principal Jodhamal Public School.
The other dignitaries were MD, Vivek Gupta; Director Academics Sucheta Gupta; Principal of the School Dr Kunal Anand; Meenu Mahajan, Former Mrs. India & Ajeet Soni, MD DRS group of Schools were the special invitees.
Principal Dr Kunal Anand presented the 15th Annual report of the school achievements in front of the dignitaries followed by the final rounds of various Races, Skatehton, Cycling Race, Rope Skipping Race, 4×100m relay, sack race etc. Dr Mrityunjay Gupta, Principal GMC Udhampur was the chief guest during the closing ceremony.
On the second day, ADC Udhampur, Joginder Jasrotia and Nidhi Andotra joined as a special invitee while Balwant Singh Mankotia, ex MLA Udhampur was chief guest during the closing ceremony. The dignitaries praised students for participation and appreciated the school management for putting up such a tremendous event.