CWG 2026 are in jeopardy :CGF

Sydney, July 18: The Australian city of Victoria has withdrawn its plans to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games citing ballooning cost.
Announcing the decision, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said: “When the Commonwealth Games needed a host city to step in at the last minute, we were willing to help ? but not at any price. “And not without a big lasting benefit for regional Victoria.

“It’s now clear: more than $6 billion for a 12-day sporting event is just too high. It’s more than twice the estimated economic benefit the Games would bring our state,’ Andrews said in a series of posts on his Twitter handle.
The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) described the decision as “hugely disappointing” and stated that it is “committed to finding a solution”. The 23rd edition of the Commonwealth Games were scheduled to be held from March 17-29 in 2026. “This is hugely disappointing for the Commonwealth Sport Movement, for athletes around the Commonwealth and the Organising Committee who are well advanced in their planning and preparation,” The CGF said in a statement posted on its Twitter handle. It also expressed disappointment at being given “only given eight hours notice” and that no consideration was given to discussing the situation to jointly find solutions, We remain committed to finding a solution for the Games in 2026 that is in the best interest of our athletes and the wider Commonwealth Sport Movement,” it said. According to BBC news, the planned cost for organising the Games had tripled since Victoria stepped in as hosts. The cost was “well and truly too much” for the state to handle, according to the premier.
The Commonwealth Games, the second biggest multisports extravaganza after Olympics, is organsied every four year among its 56 member states.
The Commonwealth Games, which would reach their centenary in 2030, were either not held only twice – 1942 and 1946 – during World War II. (UNI)