Present society is passing through an explosive research and knowledge culture. Every discipline of knowledge is witnessing a phenomenal expansion both in quantity and quality. Concept clearing and indepth study is gaining currency day by day.
In such a changing scenario student community is facing a tough challenge. Students at the moment are passing through a phase of unhealthy, overambitions and overstressed study culture. Students lack self reflexivity and proper introspection. This has had an adverse impact on their psychological health which has upset their mental poise. Students have become like a rudderless boat not knowing where the shore is. They study aimlessly without introspecting about their own interests and tendencies.
The problem with the present student generation is that they study under lot of stress to gain top score. Students do not enjoy the studies. Students should take an analogy from a drunkard. Just as a drunkard enjoys a sip in a relaxed mood in the same way students should enjoy their study free from any stress.
They should prepare themselves for a chosen career rather than merely preparing for examinations. Students should not be under the impression that by knowing some thing, they have learnt everything. Students should be humble, patient and should develop passion for learning more and more, Students should not be complacent in their attitude because learning is a never ending process.
Examination system needs an immediate overhauling to free the students from stress. There is a need to do away with marks centric approach. There should be sincere efforts from all quarters to evolve a healthy academic moral and stress free culture to groom our students in a desired direction. Only then we can dream our children to become the useful contributors towards the society.
Yours etc….
Ramesh K Raina (Wanpoh)